The Great Diamond Heists
in Pop Culture

Diamonds are a form of art, a form of expression. It's no wonder then that diamonds & movies go hand in hand.
Natural diamonds can be found everywhere in moves ever since the 1930s. Marilyn Monroe rightly sang "Diamonds are a girl's best friend," but what she forgot to tell us is that they are also a thief's best hauls. Stories of criminal masterminds swindling away diamonds in elaborate robberies have captured filmmaker's imagination for decades.

A great example would be the Oscar-nominated film,
A Fish Called Wanda, where a gang of diamond thieves repeatedly double-cross each other whilst trying to acquire stolen diamonds.
Funnily so, the film's protagonists weren't chasing a lady love or a villain... they were after natural diamonds. Not expensive art or fancy cars, but diamonds!
Because when it comes to heists, diamonds are associated with the highest degree of value, wealth and material allure.
Likewise in the 1963 film, The Pink Panther, a jewel thief along with his nephew conspired to steal the world's largest diamond from a Princess. The Pink Panther diamond, "a piece of fiction," was actually acknowledged in its time to be the most famous Pink Diamond in Hollywood.
Funnily so, the film's protagonists weren't chasing a lady love or a villain... they were after natural diamonds. Not expensive art or fancy cars, but diamonds!
Because when it comes to heists, diamonds are associated with the highest degree of value, wealth and material allure.

Filmmakers worked hard to ensure diamonds sparkle even more than the stars! Whether it's the Sankara Diamonds in 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom' which were famous for having magical powers that could transform the entire world, or the 84-carat Diamond in 'Snatch' which got swallowed by a dog.
Whether its the seventh 007 film, 'Diamonds Are Forever', where diamonds were used to build a dangerous and life-threatening laser or the larger than life Blue Diamond in 'Titanic' that came to be known as the 'Heart of the Ocean'.
Oscar-nominated film where a gang of diamond thieves repeatedly double cross each other

Famous 1963 film where the film's protagonists were chasing a diamond and not a lady love or villain.

Indiana Jones and the Sankara Diamonds that had special magical powers.
Seventh 007 film, James Bond is on a mission once again but diamonds are going to save the world this time.
One thing stood out in all these films...
One thing got all the limelight and fame -
The Diamond!
Over the years, diamond heists have become one of the most sought after genres of film making. Let's consider the case of two widely popular star-studded movies - 'Oceans 13' and 'Oceans 8'.
'Oceans 13' has Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon and the rest of the boy gang unite to steal a 250-million-dollar diamond necklace from a casino owner's wife.
'Oceans 8' saw Sandra Bullock, Anne Hathaway, Cate Blanchett, Rihanna and the rest of the girl gang stealing a diamond necklace worth 150 million dollars from the MET Gala.
It is no coincidence that the object of the heist in both those movies was a diamond necklace, corroborating the fact that both men and women will risk their lives for diamonds. Yes, diamonds and their value have intrigued all!

Ocean's 13, a boy gang steal a $250 million diamond necklace

Ocean's 8, a Girl Gang steal a $150 million diamond necklace
We have often asked ourselves what it is about heist films that makes the genre so exciting. Why do we love watching smooth criminals when, in real life, thieves are frowned upon? Why do we consider the protagonists who are plotting, planning and executing the theft of diamonds to be 'heroes'? Despite them being crooks, why do we the audience, root for them to succeed in their endeavor?
The answer's quite simple. We justify their actions because maybe, just maybe, we secretly want what they're trying to steal.
After all, don't diamonds excite us all?
The sparkle, the extravagance, and the prestige makes everything worthwhile!
Whether its in a sweet romantic film or an action-packed thriller, a fashion statement or the target of a heist, a natural diamond conveys a 'wealth' of ideas - glamour, beauty, grace, love, romance, commitment and above all, a thrill like no other.